Class FlurryConsent


public final class FlurryConsent extends Consent
  • Constructor Details

    • FlurryConsent

      public FlurryConsent(boolean isGdprScope, @Nullable Map<String,String> consentStrings)
      Create an instance of FlurryConsent
       To pass an IAB string to Flurry:
            // 1. Create an instance of map which use 'iab' as key and base64 encoded IAB string as value
            Map<String, String> consentString = new HashMap<>();
            consentString.put("iab", "BOEFEAyOEFEAyAHABDENAI4AAAB9vABAASA");
            // 2. Create an instance of FlurryConsent of which 'isGdprScope' with the map containing IAB string
            FlurryConsent consent = new FlurryConsent(true, consentString);
            // 3. Pass the consent to Flurry
            // Update Flurry Consent at runtime
            // Pass the consent during Flurry's initialization
            new FlurryAgent.Builder().withConsent(consent).build(...);
      isGdprScope - if app is from an Europe company or app's user is from Europe, set to true otherwise set to false
      consentStrings - if isGdprScope flag is set to true, app is mandatory to provide corresponding consent string
    • FlurryConsent

      public FlurryConsent(@NonNull String gppString, @NonNull Set<Integer> gppSectionIds)
      Create an instance of FlurryConsent for the IAB Global Privacy Platform (GPP).
      gppString - IAB GPP String.
      gppSectionIds - Integer set of IAB GPP section ids that are applicable for this bid request.