Class FlurryAgent


public final class FlurryAgent extends Object
The Flurry Android Analytics Agent allows you to track the usage and behavior of your Android application on users' devices for viewing in the Flurry Analytics system. Set of methods that allow developers to capture detailed, aggregate information regarding the use of their app by end users.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static String VERSION_STRING
  • Method Details

    • isInitialized

      public static boolean isInitialized()
      Check to see if FlurryAgent is initialized or not. Note: Before FlurryAgent has been initialized, most of FlurryAgent calls will be ignored.
      true if FlurryAgent is initialized, false if not.
    • getAgentVersion

      public static int getAgentVersion()
      Get the version of the Flurry SDK.
      The version of the Flurry SDK.
    • getReleaseVersion

      public static String getReleaseVersion()
      Get the release version of the Flurry SDK.
      The release version GA/Beta of the Flurry SDK with prefix Flurry_Android.
    • getAddOnModules

      @NonNull public static List<FlurryModule> getAddOnModules()
      Returns a list of the Flurry add-on modules
      the list of add-on modules
    • setVersionName

      public static void setVersionName(@NonNull String versionName)
      Set the version name of the app. Set the name of the this version of the app. This name will appear in the as a filtering option by version for many charts.
      versionName - The version of the app.
    • setReportLocation

      public static void setReportLocation(boolean reportLocation)
      Set whether Flurry should record location via GPS. Defaults to true.
      reportLocation - True to allow Flurry to record location via GPS, false otherwise
    • addOrigin

      public static void addOrigin(@NonNull String originName, @NonNull String originVersion)
      Add origin attribution. Only 10 unique originNames can be logged with the Flurry service per project.
       FlurryAgent.addOrigin("An Origin without Params", "Origin Version");
      originName - The name/id of the origin you wish to attribute.
      originVersion - The version of the origin you wish to attribute.
      See Also:
    • addOrigin

      public static void addOrigin(@NonNull String originName, @NonNull String originVersion, Map<String,String> originParameters)
      Add origin attribution with parameters. Only up to 10 parameters can be passed in with the Map.
       // Add an origin with params, where param1=value1 and param2=value2 Map<String, String>
       params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("param1", "value1");
       params.put("param2", "value2"); FlurryAgent.addOrigin("An Origin with Params", "Origin Version",
      originName - The name/id of the origin you wish to attribute.
      originVersion - The version of the origin you wish to attribute.
      originParameters - A Map<String, String> of the parameters which should be submitted with this origin attribution.
      See Also:
    • setInstantAppName

      public static void setInstantAppName(@NonNull String instantAppName)
      Set instant app name if it's an instant app. If it's an instant app, instant app name will be shown in session properties under "".
      instantAppName - The name for your instant app
    • getInstantAppName

      public static String getInstantAppName()
      Return instant app name. If it's an instant app, instant app name will be shown in session properties under ""
      instant app name
    • getFlurryConsent

      public static Consent getFlurryConsent()
      Flurry consent
    • setGppConsent

      public static boolean setGppConsent(@NonNull String gppString, @NonNull Set<Integer> gppSectionIds)
      Set Flurry Consent for the IAB Global Privacy Platform (GPP). To pass an IAB string to Flurry, see Consent and FlurryConsent
      gppString - IAB GPP String.
      gppSectionIds - Integer set of IAB GPP section ids that are applicable for this bid request.
      true if consent is valid, false otherwise
    • updateFlurryConsent

      public static boolean updateFlurryConsent(@NonNull Consent flurryConsent)
      Update Flurry consent. To pass an IAB string to Flurry, see FlurryConsent
      flurryConsent - Flurry consent
      true if consent is valid, false otherwise
    • onStartSession

      public static void onStartSession(@NonNull android.content.Context context)
      Start or continue a Flurry session for the project on the given Context. You MUST initialize the Flurry SDK via, String) before calling this method. Also, it is important to match any call to #onStartSession(Context) in the Android onStart method with a call to #onEndSession(Context) in the Android onEnd method.
       // The Activity's onStart method
       protected void onStart() { // Start the Flurry session
       FlurryAgent.onStartSession(this); }

      So long as there is any Context that has called #onStartSession(Context) but not onEndSession(Context), the session will be continued. Also, if a new Context calls #onStartSession(Context) within 10 seconds (the default session timeout length) of the last Context calling onEndSession, then the session will be resumed, instead of a new session being created. Session length, usage frequency, events and errors will continue to be tracked as part of the same session. This ensures that as a user transitions from one Activity to another in your application they will not have a separate session tracked for each Activity, but will have a single session that spans many activities. #onStartSession should be called from within the onStart method of the activity in question. The first call to onStartSession will set up the configuration for all later occurring calls to onStartSession. There is no need to call this method unless you wish to track another type of Context.

      context - A reference to a android.content.Context object such as an or an
    • onEndSession

      public static void onEndSession(@NonNull android.content.Context context)
      End a Flurry session for the given Context. The session implementation for the Android SDK is implemented as a stack. It is important to match any call to #onStartSession(Context, String) in the Android onStart method with a call to #onEndSession(Context) in the Android onEnd method.
       // The Activity's onStop method
       protected void onStop() {
      Pop a session off the stack for this Activity. If no sessions remain after the call to onEndSession(Context) and no new calls to onStartSession(Context) are made within the timeout specified (which defaults to 10 seconds) then the session will truly end. Calls to #onEndSession should be made from the Activity's onStop method in order to assure a complete analytics lifecycle for the Activity. There is no need to call this method unless you wish to track another type of Context.
      context - A reference to a android.content.Context object such as an or an
    • isSessionActive

      public static boolean isSessionActive()
      Check to see if there is an active session. The session implementation for the Android SDK is implemented as a stack. It is important to match any call to onStartSession(Context) in the Android onStart method with a call to onEndSession(Context) in the Android onEnd method. At any point, you can call this method to find if there is an active running session.
      true if a session is currently active, false if not.
    • getSessionId

      public static String getSessionId()
      Check to see if there is an active session. The session implementation for the Android SDK is implemented as a stack. It is important to match any call to onStartSession(Context) in the Android onStart method with a call to onEndSession(Context) in the Android onEnd method. At any point, you can call this method to get the active session id.
      The current session id, or null if no session is currently active.
    • logEvent

      @NonNull public static FlurryEventRecordStatus logEvent(@NonNull String eventId)
      Log an event. Only 300 unique eventIds can be logged with the Flurry service per project.
      FlurryAgent.logEvent("An Event without Params");
      eventId - The name/id of the event.
      enum FlurryEventRecordStatus { kFlurryEventFailed, kFlurryEventRecorded, kFlurryEventUniqueCountExceeded, kFlurryEventParamsCountExceeded, kFlurryEventLogCountExceeded, kFlurryEventLoggingDelayed, kFlurryEventAnalyticsDisabled}
      Log an event with the Flurry service. The event is identified by the eventId, which is a String. Events will appear in the developer portal after they have been processed by the Flurry service.
      See Also:
    • logEvent

      @NonNull public static FlurryEventRecordStatus logEvent(@NonNull String eventId, @NonNull Map<String,String> parameters)
      Log an event with parameters. Only up to 10 parameters can be passed in with the Map. If more than 10 parameters are passed, all parameters will be dropped and the event will be logged as if it had no parameters.
       // Log an event with params, where param1=value1 and param2=value2 Map<String, String>
       params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("param1", "value1");
       params.put("param2", "value2"); FlurryAgent.logEvent("Event with params", params);
      Log an event with parameters with the Flurry service. The event is identified by the eventId, which is a String. A Map<String, String> of parameters can be passed in where the key is the parameter name, and the value is the value.
      eventId - The name/id of the event.
      parameters - A Map<String, String> of the parameters which should be submitted with this event.
      enum FlurryEventRecordStatus { kFlurryEventFailed, kFlurryEventRecorded, kFlurryEventUniqueCountExceeded, kFlurryEventParamsCountExceeded, kFlurryEventLogCountExceeded, kFlurryEventLoggingDelayed, kFlurryEventAnalyticsDisabled}
      See Also:
    • logEvent

      @NonNull public static FlurryEventRecordStatus logEvent(@NonNull String eventId, boolean timed)
      Log a timed event.
      eventId - The name/id of the event.
      timed - True if the event should be timed, false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • logEvent

      @NonNull public static FlurryEventRecordStatus logEvent(@NonNull String eventId, @NonNull Map<String,String> parameters, boolean timed)
      Log a timed event with parameters. Log a timed event with parameters with the Flurry service. To end the timer, call #endTimedEvent(String) with this eventId. Only up to 10 parameters can be passed in with the Map. If more than 10 parameters are passed, all parameters will be dropped and the event will be logged as if it had no parameters.
      eventId - The name/id of the event.
      parameters - A Map<String, String> of parameters to log with this event.
      timed - True if this event is timed, false otherwise.
      enum FlurryEventRecordStatus { kFlurryEventFailed, kFlurryEventRecorded, kFlurryEventUniqueCountExceeded, kFlurryEventParamsCountExceeded, kFlurryEventLogCountExceeded, kFlurryEventLoggingDelayed, kFlurryEventAnalyticsDisabled}
      See Also:
    • logEvent

      @NonNull public static FlurryEventRecordStatus logEvent(@NonNull FlurryEvent event, @Nullable FlurryEvent.Params parameters)
      Log a standard event with suggested parameters and user defined parameters.
       // Log a standard event with suggested params and user defined params, where parameters = FlurryEvent.Params
       params = new FlurryEvent.Params();
       params.put(param1, "value1"); params.put(param2, "value2");
       FlurryAgent.logEvent(flurryEvent, params);
      Log a standard event with suggested parameters and user defined parameters with the Flurry service. The event is identified by the event, which is a FlurryEvent Enum. A FlurryEvent.Params of parameters can be passed in where the key is the event parameter enum or user defined string, and the value is the value.
      event - The enum type of the event.
      parameters - A Map<FlurryEvent.Param, String> of the suggested parameters which should be submitted with this event.
      enum FlurryEventRecordStatus { kFlurryEventFailed, kFlurryEventRecorded, kFlurryEventUniqueCountExceeded, kFlurryEventParamsCountExceeded, kFlurryEventLogCountExceeded, kFlurryEventLoggingDelayed, kFlurryEventAnalyticsDisabled}
    • logEvent

      @NonNull public static FlurryEventRecordStatus logEvent(@NonNull String eventId, @NonNull String timedId)
      Log a timed event with the 2nd key.
         // 0    1    2    3    4    5    6    sec.
         // ID1  ID2       ID3
         //      -    -    -    ID2: 3 sec.
         //                -    -    ID3: 2 sec.
         // -    -    -    -    -    -    ID1: 6 sec.
         try {
             FlurryAgent.logEvent("TimedEventName", "InstanceId1");
             FlurryAgent.logEvent("TimedEventName", "InstanceId2");
             FlurryAgent.logEvent("TimedEventName", "InstanceId3");
             FlurryAgent.endTimedEvent("TimedEventName", "InstanceId2");  // ID2 duration: 3 sec.
             FlurryAgent.endTimedEvent("TimedEventName", "InstanceId3");  // ID3 duration: 2 sec.
             FlurryAgent.endTimedEvent("TimedEventName", "InstanceId1");  // ID1 duration: 6 sec.
         } catch (InterruptedException e) {
             // no-op
      eventId - The name/id of the event.
      timedId - The 2nd key for timed event.
    • logEvent

      @NonNull public static FlurryEventRecordStatus logEvent(@NonNull String eventId, @NonNull Map<String,String> parameters, @NonNull String timedId)
      Log a timed event with parameters and the 2nd key. Log a timed event with parameters with the Flurry service. To end the timer, call #endTimedEvent(String) with this eventId. Only up to 10 parameters can be passed in with the Map. If more than 10 parameters are passed, all parameters will be dropped and the event will be logged as if it had no parameters.
      eventId - The name/id of the event.
      parameters - A Map<String, String> of parameters to log with this event.
      timedId - The 2nd key for timed event.
      enum FlurryEventRecordStatus { kFlurryEventFailed, kFlurryEventRecorded, kFlurryEventUniqueCountExceeded, kFlurryEventParamsCountExceeded, kFlurryEventLogCountExceeded, kFlurryEventLoggingDelayed, kFlurryEventAnalyticsDisabled}
    • endTimedEvent

      public static void endTimedEvent(@NonNull String eventId)
      End a timed event.
      eventId - The name/id of the event to end the timer on.
      See Also:
    • endTimedEvent

      public static void endTimedEvent(@NonNull String eventId, @NonNull Map<String,String> parameters)
      End a timed event with parameters. Only up to 10 unique parameters total can be passed for an event, including those passed when the event was initiated. If more than 10 unique parameters total are passed, all parameter updates passed on this endTimedEvent call will be ignored.
      eventId - The name/id of the event to end the timer on.
      parameters - A Map<String, String> of parameters to log with this event.
      See Also:
    • endTimedEvent

      public static void endTimedEvent(@NonNull String eventId, @NonNull String timedId)
      End a timed event with the 2nd key.
      eventId - The name/id of the event to end the timer on.
      timedId - The 2nd key for timed event.
    • endTimedEvent

      public static void endTimedEvent(@NonNull String eventId, @NonNull Map<String,String> parameters, @NonNull String timedId)
      End a timed event with parameters and the 2nd key. Only up to 10 unique parameters total can be passed for an event, including those passed when the event was initiated. If more than 10 unique parameters total are passed, all parameter updates passed on this endTimedEvent call will be ignored.
      eventId - The name/id of the event to end the timer on.
      parameters - A Map<String, String> of parameters to log with this event.
      timedId - The 2nd key for timed event.
    • logPayment

      public static FlurryEventRecordStatus logPayment(int responseCode, @Nullable List<Object> purchases, @Nullable Map<String,String> parameters)
      Log a payment from Google. This method is suppose to be called from PurchasesUpdatedListener callback of BillingClient.
           public class BillingClientLifecycle implements PurchasesUpdatedListener {
      responseCode - The BillingResult.getResponseCode received in PurchasesUpdatedListener callback.
      purchases - List of Purchase objects by user from google play received in PurchasesUpdatedListener callback.
      parameters - A Map<String, String> of the parameters which should be submitted with this event.
      See Also:
    • logPayment

      @NonNull public static FlurryEventRecordStatus logPayment(@NonNull String productName, @NonNull String productId, int quantity, double price, @NonNull String currency, @NonNull String transactionId, @Nullable Map<String,String> parameters)
      Log a payment. This method is supposed to be called when you get an activity result back from a Google Play Purchase in your Activity.onActivityResult()
      productName - The name of the product purchased.
      productId - The id of the product purchased.
      quantity - The number of products purchased.
      price - The price of the the products purchased in the given currency.
      currency - The currency for the price argument.
      transactionId - A unique identifier for the transaction used to make the purchase.
      parameters - A Map<String, String> of the parameters which should be submitted with this event.
      See Also:
    • onError

      public static void onError(@NonNull String errorId, @NonNull String message, @NonNull String errorClass)
      Report errors that your app catches. Flurry will report the first 10 errors to occur in each session.
      errorId - Unique ID for reported error.
      message - Message for the error reported.
      errorClass - Class in which the error is reported.
    • onError

      public static void onError(@NonNull String errorId, @NonNull String message, @NonNull String errorClass, @Nullable Map<String,String> errorParams)
      Report errors that your app catches. Flurry will report the first 10 errors to occur in each session.
      errorId - Unique ID for reported error.
      message - Message for the error reported.
      errorClass - Class in which the error is reported.
      errorParams - Map of params to be logged with this error
    • onError

      public static void onError(@NonNull String errorId, @NonNull String message, @NonNull Throwable exception)
      Report errors that your app catches. Flurry will report the first 10 errors to occur in each session.
      errorId - Unique ID for reported error.
      message - Message for the error reported.
      exception - Thrown error to be reported.
    • onError

      public static void onError(@NonNull String errorId, @NonNull String message, @NonNull Throwable exception, @Nullable Map<String,String> errorParams)
      Report errors that your app catches. Flurry will report the first 10 errors to occur in each session.
      errorId - Unique ID for reported error.
      message - Message for the error reported.
      exception - Thrown error to be reported.
      errorParams - Map of params to be logged with this error
    • logBreadcrumb

      public static void logBreadcrumb(@NonNull String crashBreadcrumb)
    • setAge

      public static void setAge(int age)
      Sets the age of the user at the time of this session.
      age - valid values are 0-110
    • setGender

      public static void setGender(byte gender)
      Sets the gender of the user.
      gender - One of the values among Constants.MALE,Constants.FEMALE and Constants.UNKNOWN as defined in Constants.
    • setUserId

      public static void setUserId(@NonNull String userId)
      Sets the Flurry userId for this session. The Flurry userId can be used to tie a user back to your internal systems. This userId will travel along with any event reporting that the Flurry Dev Portal provides.
      userId - Unique user id for session.
    • setSessionOrigin

      public static void setSessionOrigin(@NonNull String originName, @Nullable String deepLink)
      This method allows you to specify session origin and deep link for each session. This is different than addOrigin which is used for third party wrappers after every session start.
      originName - Name of the origin.
      deepLink - Url of the deep Link.
    • addSessionProperty

      public static void addSessionProperty(@NonNull String name, @Nullable String value)
      This method allows you to associate parameters with an session. Parameters are valuable as they allow you to store characteristics of an session. Only 10 unique keys are allowed for session property parameters per session. Exceeded key-values will be dropped.
      name - Property name.
      value - Property value.
    • openPrivacyDashboard

      public static void openPrivacyDashboard(@NonNull FlurryPrivacySession.Request request)
      This api opens privacy dashboard in Chrome CustomTab (if its dependency's been included in the gradle and device support it as well), otherwise will open it in the external browser. You can set FlurryPrivacySession.Callback in request class which notify you when opening dashboard failed or succeed.

      Note: Since this api is asynchronous, would recommend you to show spinner while we are loading Privacy Dashboard. you can dismiss it in callback.

      request - object to request privacy dashboard uri
    • setDataSaleOptOut

      public static void setDataSaleOptOut(boolean isOptOut)
      This api allows you to set opt-out/opt-in for data sale
      isOptOut - true to opt-out data sale, false to opt-in
    • deleteData

      public static void deleteData()
      This api allows you to delete data collected by Flurry
    • setCaptureUncaughtExceptions

      public static void setCaptureUncaughtExceptions(boolean captureExceptions)
      True to enable or false to disable the ability to catch all uncaught exceptions and have them reported back to Flurry.
      captureExceptions - true to enable, false to disable.
    • setContinueSessionMillis

      public static void setContinueSessionMillis(long sessionMillis)
      Set the timeout for expiring a Flurry session. e.g., FlurryAgent.setContinueSessionMillis(60 * 1000); // Set session timeout to 60 seconds
      sessionMillis - The time in milliseconds to set the session timeout to. Minimum value of 5000.
      1.0 The default value for a session timeout is 10,000 milliseconds. The minimum timeout for a session is 5,000 milliseconds. Calling #onStartSession(Context, String) within the set time will cause the previous session to resume. Calling #onStartSession(Context, String) after the set amount of time has passed will result in a new session being created.
    • setIncludeBackgroundSessionsInMetrics

      public static void setIncludeBackgroundSessionsInMetrics(boolean includeBackgroundSessionsInMetrics)
      True if this session should be added to total sessions/DAUs when applicationstate is inactive or background. Default is set to true.
      includeBackgroundSessionsInMetrics - if background and inactive session should be counted toward dau
    • registerListener

      public static void registerListener(@NonNull FlurryAgentListener listener)
      Registers the listener. The listener is an interface which can be implemented to receive notification of various events associated with session.
      listener - Your implementation of the Flurry agent listener.
    • unregisterListener

      public static void unregisterListener(@NonNull FlurryAgentListener listener)
      Unregisters the listener. The listener is an interface which can be implemented to receive notification of various events associated with session.
      listener - Your implementation of the Flurry agent listener.
    • setLogEnabled

      public static void setLogEnabled(boolean enableLog)
      True to enable or false to disable the internal logging for the Flurry SDK.
      enableLog - true to enable logging, false to disable it.
    • setLogLevel

      public static void setLogLevel(int logLevel)
      Set the log level of the internal Flurry SDK logging.
      logLevel - The level to set it to.
    • setSslPinningEnabled

      public static void setSslPinningEnabled(boolean sslPinningEnabled)
      True to enable or false to disable SSL Pinning for Flurry Analytics connection. Defaults to false. Turn on to add SSL Pinning protection for the Flurry Analytics connections. Disable it if your app is using proxy or any services that are not compliant with SSL Pinning.
      sslPinningEnabled - true to enable SSL Pinning for Flurry Analytics connection, false to disable it.