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Flurry(Event) Category Reference

Class Methods

(FlurryEventRecordStatus) + logStandardEvent:withParameters:
 Records a standard parameterized event specified by eventType with parameters. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 789 of file Flurry+Event.h.

Method Documentation

+ (FlurryEventRecordStatus) logStandardEvent: (FlurryEvent)  eventType

Records a standard parameterized event specified by eventType with parameters.


This method allows you to log standard events associated with parameters. Parameters are extremely valuable as they allow you to store characteristics of an action. For example, if a user purchased an item (log an purchase event), it may be helpful to know item info (itemName, itemType, itemId, itemCount), and transaction info (price, totalAmount, currency, transactionId) of such events.

You should not pass private or confidential information about your users in a standard event.

A maximum of 10 parameter names may be associated with any event. Sending over 10 parameter names with a single event will result in no parameters being logged for that event.

- (void)someGamingEvent{
FlurryParamBuilder *param = [[[[[[FlurryParamBuilder alloc] init]
setString:@"Game pro" forParam:[FlurryParamBuilder levelName]]
setInteger:2 forParam:[FlurryParamBuilder levelNumber]]
setString:@"12345" forKey:@"userId"]
setInteger:10 forKey:@"numOfTrials"];
[Flurry logStandardEvent:FLURRY_EVENT_LEVEL_COMPLETED withParameters:param];
eventTypeFlurryEvent enum.
parametersa FlurryParam object that stores key-value pairs of a standard parameterized event.
enum FlurryEventRecordStatus for the recording status of the logged event.

Extends class Flurry.

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